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21 Like-driving Instagram Images

21 Like-driving Instagram Images

You have added Instagram to your social media marketing mix. But after a while, your creativity runs low and the images you post start to look the same. “Sarah, put on another shirt. Cristy, take a picture and I’ll put it on Instagram.”

We have offered Facebook post ideas and video content ideas. Here are 21 Instagram image ideas that will drive likes.

User Generated (USG). USG images are authentic. They connect and resonate with users, working as social proof, and showing visitors that other users are raving about your brand. Besides, as the images are created by someone else, it saves you time and money. TIP: if you use their post, tag them and show them your appreciation just like Ben and Jerry’s did.

Instagram Blog USG

Product. Sure you want to promote your product, but think of different ways to do so. Clothes on a table. Clothes on a model. (Someone else take the picture! Don’t have the model take a selfie and have the phone in the picture.)

Instagram Blog Product No No

Have someone hold the product with an iconic backdrop, i.e., St. Louis Arch, in view. Product on the rack. Product outdoors (especially if it’s an outdoor product.) Tease them. Take a picture of the shipping box. “New inventory of (product) in today. Hits the shelves tomorrow.” Look at this! Who can resist this Chocolate Chip Waffle Sundae at Syrup after see this!?

Instagram Blog Product

Customers. Show the customers ESPECIALLY if they are using your product! If they’re not, that’s okay. “Always love seeing Norm take his seat at the bar.” Here, Travel OK shows visitors in their park.

Instagram Blog Customers

Testimonial. For nearly 9 in 10 consumers, an online review is as important as a personal recommendation. If someone leaves a review or gives a testimonial, post it! Screenshot the online review. Take a picture of the letter or note. Even better if you can include a picture of the customer that gave the testimonial. We like how Michelangelo’s Coffee made a graphic out of the testimonial.

Instagram Blog Testimonial

Behind the Scenes. Users and customers love to get that inside look into your business, including images that show how your products or services are made. We love how instead of just showing the breakfast tray on the bed, The Charles Hotel shows the camera shoot.

Instagram Blog Behind The Scenes

And if you can post images that show happy workers… (or a supermodel!)

Instagram Blog Staff

Staff. Introduce your staff in posts. Or better yet, what hobbies do your staff members do? Show that completed marathon, hike up a mountain, or snuggle with their pet. Allow your customers to get a glimpse into your personal lives. It will help them connect with your brand on a completely different level. Here’s a simple post by Ace Hardware Hillyard.

Instagram Blog Staff 2

Community events. Have a booth at a local festival or fair? Sponsoring a fundraiser? Volunteering at a local non-profit? Post a pic showing your engagement with and support of the community. The Republic Bank staff painting day care rooms!? Perfect!

Instagram Blog Community

Do It Yourself (DIY). Post a picture that features a portion of the DIY project (like the final result or the tools that you need), this single picture and its description can be used to prompt users to visit your website to see all the step-by-step instructions.

Instagram Blog DIY

Location. This is especially important if you’re a retail outlet, restaurant, or depend on foot traffic like an attraction. Show the front of your store. Show the block you’re on or key landmarks near your store. “Once you get to the railroad tracks, we’re two blocks on your left.” We love this post from Norman, OK retailer Stash. It shows the front of the store and the sign to look for, but also the huge mural in the background. When you see that mural, you know you’re there!

Instagram Blog Location

With the right styles of images (and the use of hashtags,) you can increase your Instagram engagement, in turn, increasing business.

If you would like us to scan your social media and/or website and offer some feedback, tips, ideas, or praise if you’re rocking it, let us know. Contact us here.